Kembali ke pelajaran :)
Dalam pelajaran ke-70 ini kita akan mempelajari tentang cara Bahasa Inggris menggabungkan 2 gagasan atau kalimat. Atau dalam pelajaran Bahasa Indonesia disebut kata penghubung.
Di pelajaran ini saya akan membahas beberapa kata penghubung yaitu :
Penggunaan AND :
I buy an egg and an apple
I buy an egg, an apple, and some vegetables
I turned off the television and went out of the room
Their uniform is red and white
Their uniform is red, white, and green
I read a book, and she watched tv ---------> can not : I read a book, she watched TV
Penggunaan BUT :
I went to bed but couldn't sleep
I hit the stone, but I couldn't break it
Tigers are mamals, but lizzards are reptiles
Penggunaan OR :
Would You like some water or some fruit juice ?
Wich one do You like the red one or the black one ?
Do we go on Sunday, or do we go on monday ? (keduanya merupakan kalimat lengkap, oleh sebab itu digunakan tanda koma)
Penggunaan SO :
The traffic was crowded, so I turn back
I didn't exercise, so I feel unhealty
ٱلْحَمْدُ لِلَّهِ رَبِّ
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