Pada pelajaran sebelumnya kita membahas tentang relative pronoun WHO dan WHOM. Pada pelajaran ini yang dibahas adalah relative pronoun WHICH.
Apa perbedaannya ?
WHO dan WHOM mengacu pada orang.
WHICH mengacu pada benda.
Contoh :
The car were expensive. I bought it / that.
The cars were expensive. I bought them
Untuk membuat sebuah adjektive clause kita bisa mengubah it / that / them menjadi WHICH :
- The car which I bought were expensive / The cars which I bought were expensive.
- The car that I bought were expensive / The cars that I bought were expensive.
- The car I bought were expensive / The cars I bought were expensive.
- The bag is heavy. It(menggantikan subyek-the bag) is about 100 kg
- The bag which is about 100 kg is heavy.
- The bag that is about 100 kg is heavy.
- The bag is about 100 kg is heavy (salah !)
- The car were expensive. I bought it / that. (it / that sebagai obyek) > which dan that bisa dihilangkan.
- The bag is heavy. It/ that is about 100 kg. (it / that sebagai subyek) > which dan that tidak bisa dihilangkan.
ٱلْحَمْدُ لِلَّهِ رَبِّ
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