Kalimat-kalimat komparatif dan superlatif di bawah ini mengandung beberapa kesalahan. Coba analisa dan perbaiki kesalahan tersebut :
- Jakarta is largest city in Indonesia.
- Mr. Joko speaks the most clearly than Mr. Fandy.
- Madiun is large than Lumajang.
- Lupita's knife was as sharper from Killian's.
- I like Indonesia food more better than European food.
- Old shoes are usually more comfortable that new shoes.
- English is the most widely used language from the world.
- My brother is younger in the family.
- Java island is the larger from Singapore in land area.
- My jacket is more comfortable as my shoes.
ٱلْحَمْدُ لِلَّهِ رَبِّ
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